Tuesday 16 February 2010

happy b'day to me *finally

Happy b'day to me..
Happy b'day to me..
Happy b'day, Happy b'day..
Happy b'day to me.........
Ga terasa udah setahun berlalu. Gue masih inget pas temen2 gue ngucapin b'day dan nanya " mau kado apa ? ". Rasanya itu bener2 baru terjadi kemaren. And hell yeah, semalem pas pas malem gue b'day, gue bilang ke housemate gue : " gue mau pake baju bagus ah. siapa tau ada yang dateng kasih surprise ". Meskipun gue tau itu nonsense. 2-3 jam sebelum 00.00 waktu malaysia, gue masih sempet chattingan sama Rama, childhood gue yang paling baik dan gebleg. Do'i sengaja chattingan sama gue biar do'i ga ngantuk dan pengen jadi yang pertama ngucapin. Sambil chatting - chattingan ga jelas gitu, gue juga chattingan sama kk gue. Walopun chattingan sama dia lebih ga jelas lagi. Kebanyakan kaburnya. And then, gue yang biasa nge-play lagu justin biebir, greenday dan paramore, langsung gue stop menjelang 23.50. Gue buka www.downloads.nl . Nyari lagu b'day. Eh dapet aja. Banyak sih, tapi ada satu lagu yang 'sreg' di gue. Tapi gue ga tau itu lagunya siapa. Dentingan gitarnya dan intro yang sloooowww banget bikin gue tambah sedih. Jam 00.59 temen-temen gue udah mulai ngucapin. Tanda merah -merah notification mulai bertambah. Gue udah mulai sibuk ngebalesin satu - satu dan juga mulai bingung dengan pertanyaan temen gue " mau kado apa? ". Eh, engga lama, roomate gue keluar kamar. Gue sih udah biasa banget ngautis sendirian dikamar. Tanpa harus bertanya, " Lo mau kemana ? ". And then, I heard they are singing while opened the door " Happy b'day ayuuuu.. Happy b'day ayuuuu ". Segera gue make a wish dan tiup lilin yang udah lumer beraaaatt. Gue dikasih chiffon cokelat dan diatasnya ada mainan anak kecil yang genduuuttt trus ada payungnya. Hahahaa.. Engga hanya itu, ada lagi yang menarik dan ini gue sukaaaaaaa banget banget banget ! Mereka kasih gue coca cola 3 botol besar ! damn, i really2 love it! 

Oh iya, lilin udah ditiup tapi belum dipotong. Pada kue pertama gue bingung mau kasih kesiapa. Bukan berarti rasa sayang gue ke mereka ga adil ya. Gue sayang semuanya tapi tentu aja mereka ga bisa gue suapin satu satu dengean serentak. Toh tangan gue cuma dua hehee.. Trus mereka pada bilang kue pertama buat papa. Yaaahh gue disitu cuma bilang " Papa, semoga cepet sembuh. I wish your surgery will be successful ". You know what ? I cried. Ini pertama kalinya dalam hidup gue, gue nangis di hari b'day gue. Kuenya gue makan sendiri dong karena buat bokap gue. Trus yang kedua buat nyokap, gue makan sendiri lagi :D nah yang ketiga dan seterusnya baru gue kasih ke housemate gue. Intan, Dea, Ina, Baby and also neighbor Kak Intan dan Kak Taiyo *Thanks yaaa udah mau dateng walopun udah tidur dan dibangunin lagi hehe* .

Okay, I sleep at 02.30 setelah gue rasa tangan gue udah hampir lumpuh bales balesin wall, sms, tweet yang akhirnya berhenti sejenak. Dan gue bangun lagi jam 7 pagi. Gue liat ada sms temen - temen gue , bokap, nyokap dan juga missed call. My mom called me but i didn't answer. And i replied to call me again but not yet call me. Yaudah gapapa deh, bokap gue juga tadi udah bilang di sms jam 8 ini operasinya dimulai. Mungkin mereka sibuk. Thanks dad, thanks mom.

Oncemore, really thanks to housemate :
Dea, Intan, Baby, Ina, Ve

Neighbor :
Kak Intan, Kak Taiyo

Boys :
Fakhri, Azka, Aan, Kak Guggy

And also my beloved bf, Yazeed alkhateeb :)

Thanks for all . I can't write one by one .

Wednesday 10 February 2010

i miss you in every way

Hi strangers, as usual i wish you all in a good condition to read and meet me again :)
Well, 31 october 2009. It's mean 3 month ago and now almost 4 month, i move to here. It's too many memorize that i left. * tring * ( try to flash back ).
4 month ago, i just stay at home. I already finished my damn senior high school ( finally ). There's too many things that i get. And as long as i stayed at home, sometimes i had a quarrel with my father. Exactly, one month before i move to here, i feels so hate my father. And i can't wait for the momment to move here.  Time running fast. 2weeks before i move here, my father really - really so care with me ( i thought, because his daughter will left him ). Then i always went to everywhere, every place with my father. Until at the momment, only both of us at the car, while he drived. He told me : " daughter, now you already follow me and my activity to get money. It's just for you, for my children. I wish you can successful at there. And if you already success, may i take a money from you ? ".
Oh god.. I just answered my father answer with laughing face. I always did it if i don't know what should i do. 
" Hahaa.. it's okay paa.. i'll give you money and will give you everything that you want if i already get a successful ".

At the time when i went to here. My family read me a yassin. Wish me get successful in here. I didn't want to cry. I saw my mother, my brother and my sister. Again and again thinking and thinking about the memorize that already had done. It's the time we all grew up. And it's the time all the children of my parents choose the own way. We will get a future and we aren't together to reach it.

Until the time i will get my flight, my father cried and also my grand mother. Oh damn! What should i do ? I told to them and make sure that i will be alright.


Now, after take a shower, i look my phone got a message. It's from my father. He told me that he will go to jakarta. To operate his eyes. Nobodies accompany him. 4 month ago, when he get sick, i always accompany him. My father told me, everybody at home all busy. So he will go to jakarta by himself. Dad, if i'm at there, if i'm in your side, exactly i wanna accompany you ! But i realize, i can't back home now.
I remembered all things that we've done. When i told a story about my family to my friends in here, the tittle is about you. Without i realized, i already spent my time with you. So many times. 


I miss you, dad. I miss you, papa
I really really sorry for everything

Your daughter,
Take care and good night

Sunday 7 February 2010

i heart my new lomo

Hi strangers, how are you in these day ? I hope you all still enjoying your suck life, yea. Damn. I've new hobbies now. After i move to here ( Malaysia ), i don't have any gadget to take a picture anymore, beside camera phone. It just 3,2MP :( . That's why i missed my nikon d300 badly !

Okay, maybe 1 weeks ago, when me and my bf went to KL, i have an idea to buy a camera. But it's not a SLR or Digicam. It is LOMO. Yeah, it just a toys cam. But the result is so funny and i like it! We just need a roll of film and click. Doesn't matter the result. And it always make us wondering about the result. Alright, there are many type of lomo camera's. Actually i want an oktomat. But the stock is empty :( . I want buy a diana mini, but too expensive. I'm a bored person. I afraid, if i buy an expensive gadget, i'll get bore and the gadget will useless. Arrived at there, i went to pavilion on searching Mooks shop. I got it! As i told, oktomat stock is empty, so i bought POP9. It seems as oktomat. It has 9 lense. The different is : POP9 has a flash. Hmmmhh...

I bought it for RM: 156.00
( excluding film )

And the film. Asa800 limited edition, 25th year anniversary of lomography :
Too expensive : RM24.00

And last, the result :
( Click the picture to zoom in )
hahhahahaa i just put it on my plain room :)

I love to experiment and love to enjoying my new camera. I wish, i can take a picture better and make my room more beautiful ;)